Release Notes
Sept 2024
Our latest release V3.3.1 is now available.
What’s New
- The Recall banner capability is added for the Smartlabels, if the recall flag is set to true with the redirection URL provided by the brand in the data, the recall banner will be displayed on the SmartLabel page as per the SmartLabel implementation standards and will allow the customers to go to the brand redirection page to obtain more information about the recalled batch.
- Certification Badge and the BE (Bioengineered) logo will be displayed based on the SmartLabel if the relevant certifications are present in the data as per the Smartlabel implementation standards defined by CBA
Bug Fixes
- Smartlabel version drop down which was not correctly functioning on IOS devices is now working as expected.
- A bug that did not allow the display of the download icon for the error report, values for the processed, successful, failed under import request summary has now been fixed, and all the values are correctly showing along with the download option for the error report.
- Issue while importing things with the attribute having a string field which is actually a long number has been fixed, and users can now import the products having string attribute with large scientific number as an input.
14th Mar 2023
Our latest release V3.3 is now available and we have added a new feature “Audit Trail” report which allows the system administrator to monitor all the changes done to the Things, Templates, Users, Accounts, Digital Interactions , and also audit which system user has made changes along with the date and time information when the change was performed. On the back end we have added APIs for all the audit trail related functionalities.
What’s New
- Consolidated Audit Trail Report section has now been added under the System Settings page and would be accessible for all the master account users ( administrators )
- Audit Trail Report section will show filters using Account, User and Type fields, where Account drop down will display all the accounts present in the system, User drop down will display all the users for the selected account, and Type decides whether the audit is to be done for Things, Templates, Digital Interactions, Entities, Accounts or Users.
- Upon selection of the Account, User and Type and the date-range, users would be able to see the audit report with the date-time, user name, email address, Action performed, Type and Account.
- Users can now add a Composite key ( key derived from the association of the entities) using the UI which was only possible using API earlier.
- Improvements has been made to the Lists section, All Languages option has been included for List Name under the Create List form ,and for List Item Name, Field Name, Field Value under the Additional Information Section for the List Item properties
- All language option has been added to the Data Model creation and Entity Creation form
- The platform now allows the user to select the associated entity keys using the Things form Key selector which shows up based on the entity configuration, which was a manual task earlier, users can now easily create the entity instances which have associations.
- Ionic icons have been upgraded from v3 to v4.
- Angular version has been upgraded from v10 to v11
- Smartlabel Tab Names have been interchanged for Features and Benefits and About This Product. The main tab name Features and Benefits is now called About This Product, and the inner tab About This Product is changed to Features and Benefits.
- Feedback For SmartLabel link present at the SmartLabel footer is now pointed to an updated link https://smartlabel.org/contact-us/
- Improvements have been made for the Artifacts loading, if the user does not choose any artifacts during the first login to the system, the system will forcefully show the Artifacts selection modal pop up to the user, and, If the user decides to load the Artifacts later, they can go to the System settings and choose the use case they want to install from the Quick Start Packages section.
Bug Fixes
- List item code added under the list is now reflecting immediately on the UI which was not reflecting earlier until the refresh was performed.
- Data Model form has been updated with the UI related fixes.Each data type has property field as a required field, which can not be left blank and also the space is not allowed when giving a property name ( the system shows error as “invalid property name” )for all the data types. Submit button becomes clickable only after the required fields have the data in it.
- Background color of the subscription alert has been updated from Red color to Yellow color to show the warning message.
16th May 2022
Our latest minor release v3.2.1.2 is now available and we have enhanced some of the existing features and carried out some optimizations for improved performance.
What’s New
- The Submit button for the Survey form within the Visual Interaction Designer is now multilingual and users can add the translated text for any language that can appear on the button.
- The fixed labels for the digital interaction Menu, for example, Menu, Cancel and the fixed text present in the survey/ feedback form “Please select an option” for the required fields, all these fixed labels are translated in the backend, and will show the translated values based on the language selected at the language selector.
- Digital Link URI generated for Things and displayed within the ‘Interactions’ area previously using the application identifier (AI) names is now using the application identifier (AI) numbers so they can be directly encoded into 2D codes on packaging and read by POS systems.
- The menu option Data Channel has been removed from the main menu.
- The menu option System Users has been renamed to Users and the menu option Users has been renamed to User Permissions. Functionally there is no change to working of these elements within the platform.
Bug Fixes
- A bug that did not allow the user to update/delete the list item code when it has pListCode (Parent List Code) reference is now fixed.
- A CSS issue for the alignment of the color picker for the action sheet button color and background color under the visual interaction template style settings is now fixed.
- Issue with updating the form data if the fields are blank and the user is adding the data for the first time is fixed, and the user is now able to successfully add the data.
- Users are now correctly redirected to the logout page if the session storage is cleared or manually deleted.
- Patch form update will automatically refresh the template data and variables within the template data will reflect the new values.
- JSON schema draft version dropdown has been removed from the data model create and update forms.
- Digital Interaction landing page optimizations have been worked on extensively to improve browser page load times and speed up the end user experience.
24th January 2022
Our latest minor release v3.2.1.2 is now available and we have added some powerful features. Import/Export functionality for Things is now also available on the web UI, which was earlier limited to the API. Concept of secure digital interactions has been successfully implemented and users can secure specific digital interactions using social logins or any form of dedicated user logins. Users can now also link the internal template pages to the button control.
What’s New
- Secure Digital Interactions have been implemented, and users can restrict the access to the digital interactions by using social or dedicated user logins. A special authentication control has been to configure all the required settings for the feature of secure digital interaction implementation.
- Import/Export can now be easily handled using Web UI, users can use EXCEL, CSV or JSON for the import and export of the Things.
- Internal pages can now be linked to the button control present under the Visual Interaction Editor
- Thing update requests option is now added to the digital interaction template settings to allow the users to take the input from the end users in the form of feedback or any other required information updates and the corresponding entity instances can be updated.
- Minor update has been made to the SmartLabel allergen tab declaration statement as per the new implementation guidelines.
Bug Fixes
- A bug that did not allow the user to use the same exported Excel file for the import function is now fixed.
- GET API/usage/stats was returning the wrong response for the master account login which is now fixed, and the correct response is generated.
- Issue with the interaction editor page name display is now fixed, and the page names are now displaying in the primary language selected at the template level.
September 2021
Our latest minor release v3.2.1.1 is now available and we have added further enhancements to the Events and Browser notifications functionality. A new JSON logic query builder UI form is available to configure “Events” in the system based on changes to the product data or certain conditions based on which browser notifications can be triggered and sent to consumers to communicate these updates.
What’s New
- Added a new JSON event query builder form under the events condition. This will allow the users to easily create conditions and group them using AND/OR Logic.
- The Query Builder can be bound to data from various fields present under the entity instances, it auto-populates the data source and maps the data to the appropriate fields.
- Query Builder has two different tabs, the first tab is where the user can define the AND/OR conditions by selecting the attribute, required operation from the drop down fields and can add the value for the comparison; the JSON logic output can be viewed under the second tab in read only mode.
- The elastic search version has been now upgraded to the latest version 7.13.4
- Import API process has been changed to determine whether the import requires a PUT or POST request based on the entityCode_id field.
- Usage stats API has been improved to fetch the statistics data based on the non deleted templates only.
- Description field under the Push Notification configuration settings is now made mandatory.
- Overwrite digital link configuration at thing level option is now provided on the digital link configuration settings page at the entity config level. This will allow the user to decide if they want the updated digital link configuration settings to be applied at the thing level based on the settings updated at the entity configuration level.
Bug Fixes
- A bug that did not allow the user to download the import template while using the data channel with input mapping is now fixed and the user can now download the import template.
- In the configure push notification page, empty channel fields were displayed instead of the added values, after clicking on the Configure Push Notification button, this issue is now fixed.
- Users have now been restricted from clicking on the Notification icon present on the Things and Template listing page if the events and notifications are not configured, the icon will be made non clickable.
- The push notification configuration settings page is now correctly displaying the template specific languages based on the template selected which was earlier displaying all the languages defined at the controller level.
- Issue with the data model PATCH API operation when the list references are used within the data model has now been fixed. Users will be able to save and update the data models with the list reference attributes without any issues.
6th July 2021
Our latest minor release v3.2.1 is now available and we have added two powerful features. Browser notification and events functionality. Notifications can now be sent both automatically and manually to all the subscribers. The event which is configured over an entity is triggered then a notification message is sent to all the subscribers. A new event logic builder is available to configure the event’s condition over an entity and perform respective actions accordingly. APIs to create events and actions are now added. GS1 Digital Link APIs are now enhanced to accept local variables in the external link redirection.
What’s New
- Added a new functionality “Events & Notifications” in the menu where events and notifications for an entity can be managed.
- The events page is added where all the events under that entity can be created, viewed, modified, and deleted.
- Events have three trigger types which trigger immediately after a create or update or delete happens on a thing.
- Events setting has a condition box where the user can give logic, if the given logic is met then accordingly the actions are performed.
- Push Notifications with title, content, image and launch URL are now added as an action for the events created.
- Push Notifications is now added to the part of template settings where it can be configured to set up channels, message prompt, and time for a template.
- Templates enabled with push notifications are now allowed to send notification messages manually by selecting the respective thing and channel code.
- Food Smartlabel will now show all the sub-ingredients under each main ingredient and also show the definition and purpose as per the thing’s data.
- Entity class dropdowns in the digital link properties are now listed in alphabetical order.
- Interaction pages with shortcodes will now load faster after an enhancement.
- Recursive data types are now included on the things page.
- Digital Link properties updated on an entity level will now be automatically updated to all the things under that entity.
- The platform will now support shortcodes on the external link option of the GS1 Digital Link properties where users can set things’ data path accordingly.
- Custom flow operations have been enhanced to handle concurrent processes.
- Entity association keys have been updated to accept changes in data types.
- Data Model APIs are updated to allow only alphanumeric characters and underscore in it.
- Controller and auxiliary account security and permissions have been made more secure.
Bug Fixes
- A bug that allowed empty JSON files in the import API is fixed now, from now on the import files are validated and then imported.
- Issues in importing things using entity code were causing issues and it has been fixed now.
- Form responses had issues when used in GS1 Digital Link and it was not accepting values but now it has been fixed to accept and save responses for Digital Link and compressed link as well.
- On the things page when complex searches are performed there was a certain lag to load the query and the columns it has now been optimized and there is no lag time. The columns load faster now.
Installation Qualification – Qliktag Platform v3.2.1
Deployment Checklist & Testing Report – Qliktag Platform v3.2.1
18th January 2021
Our latest major release v3.2 is now available and we have enabled the GS1 Digital Link Standard which is one of the latest game-changing functionality in the global supply chain standards. A new API versioning option is incorporated into the platform to help simplify route management and reduce code duplication for multiple API versions that might arise. Web security and cross-site request security have been enhanced. On the back-end, we now have added APIs for creating, compressing, and routing digital links.
What’s New
- Now a new custom list item can be added to the existing list in the Things page wherever list dropdowns are present, instead of navigating to the lists and then list items.
- All the active dialog box/popup windows will be forced close and the user will be logged automatically out after 1 hour of inactivity.
- All Languages option has been included for AssetType Image, Video, Document form fields in the Things page to apply the same image/video/document for all the languages.
- The platform will now support the GS1 Digital Link standard, and the users will be able to configure, generate the digital links, and also see compressed links.
- Digital Link configuration settings are on the Advanced tab of the Template Settings.
- Digital Link can also be configured on both Entity level and Thing level using GS1 Digital Link Properties.
- Created GS1 Digital links will now be displayed on the Interactions page of every Thing in the platform.
- The interaction page will also display compressed links along with the link types.
- Things page will show a label for all the entities that have GS1 digital link settings configured and enabled.
- A Multi-Language Widget is added for both text and text area fields in the Things create and edit page.
- API versioning is incorporated into the API section for better migration, management, and routing.
Bug Fixes
- A bug that showed an error page when Preview in New Tab is clicked in template designer page is fixed now, from now on the Preview in New Tab option will be available only after the template is published.
- Toggle Switch and Status changes even when Edit permission is (false) for a particular user role, it has been identified and fixed now. So the status toggle won’t show up to users who don’t have permission.
- Things page action icons move on certain browsers and it has been fixed now. Now the icons display properly.
- Template changes that are saved by the user several times in a short span of time have issues in saving but now after the fix every time the save button is clicked the changes are saved without any issues.
- A bug that didn’t allow users to subscribe/unsubscribe(APIs) instances are now fixed so users can now seamlessly change data models and connect with APIs without any issue.
Installation Qualification – Qliktag Platform v3.2
Deployment Checklist & Testing Report – Qliktag Platform v3.2
5th October 2020
Our latest minor release v3.1.1 is now available and has some new upgrades on the Templates and Interaction Editor sections with analytics and security enhancements to the interactions. The platform now features direct support for two specialized NFC tags to be configured and implemented with things for authentication and anti-counterfeiting use cases. The platform has some new UI changes to provide a more seamless user experience. On the back-end, we now have a new set of authentication service APIs for more validation and security.
What’s New
- We’ve integrated direct support for two NFC tags to our Template settings to enable Authentication based interactions.
- HID Global Trusted NFC can now be configured within our platform and can be applied across all the things that require authentication.
- NXP NTAG 424 DNA can now be configured within our platform where additional tag attributes and parameters can also be set to enable authentication.
- All the data tables across the platform will now show a loading progress indication when an action button inside the table is used.
- New toggle switch is included across all the tables replacing the status column which will now allow users to activate and deactivate each individual item.
- A new setting is included within the template properties for enabling Google Analytics for the Interaction pages. By configuring Google Analytics with a simple tracking code, it will now allow to track all the interactions and see real-time reports using the Google Analytics tool.
- New copy/duplicate thing action icon for copying/duplicating a thing is now added to the Things results page and also in the edit page of each “Thing” which allows to duplicate a thing and reuse it which can save time if in order to re-enter every repeating field and create things from scratch.
- New variant control is included in the non-food smart label which can render smart label pages based on the version number of the product variant.
- A tooltip is added to the smartlabel which can be configured from smartlabel control properties which inform users about the variant dropdown.
- We’ve tuned, optimized the tables, dropdowns, and selectors across the platform to reduce the load time and make the performance faster and smoother.
- New set of authentication service and validation APIs are now added to the platform specifically designed to authenticate products equipped with the NXP NTAG 424 DNA NFC Tags.
Bug Fixes
- Page display issues in the Roles & Permission section are fixed now. The pages will now navigate properly.
- A bug that didn’t allow 0 value to be stored is now fixed. Therefore things with the value 0 can now be saved.
- Sometimes “Add a Thing” and “Design an Interaction” menu get hidden from the dashboard page now that has been fixed.
- Dynamic list control had issues displaying key values on the landing page, now they are displayed without any issue.
- The integer data type wrongly showed range selector in things form it is now fixed to show the respective integer field.
- Templates created after navigating from an Inactive template showed Inactive status in the breadcrumb which is now fixed and the Template now shows Active status.
- The same shortcodes weren’t allowed to be created even after the used one is deleted this has been fixed now and therefore shortcode which is deleted can be reused after 10 minutes of deletion.
Installation Qualification – Qliktag Platform v3.1.1
Deployment Checklist & Testing Report – Qliktag Platform v3.1.1
10th August 2020
Our latest major release v3.1 is now available and has some big upgrades on the user roles & permission management with security enhancements to the platform. A new billing & usage section is incorporated into the platform to see the overall platform usage and to manage the subscription. The platform is also enhanced and optimized overall, therefore the pages load faster than before. Many additional features have been added to the Digital Interaction Editor. On the back-end, we now have updated APIs for managing data imports to the system.
What’s New
- We’ve changed the look, feel, and texture of our left navigation menu bar with our logo being placed at the top, and the menu is grouped for better navigation.
- A welcome screen with three different configurations setup is shown for all new signups to configure their platform.
- All the data tables across the platform have a loading indicator at the header when navigated or sorted within the table the progress bar will visually display the loading progress.
- Delete account functionality has been included where a controller can now permanently delete any accounts under the system including the things and users created under it.
- While creating a new account user, they will now have the same permissions as the associated account and can be modified later.
- New video formats are now supported for previewing and playing on the things and digital interaction pages.
- A new option is included in form properties where the action after submission can now navigate a user to a given external URL that supports multilingual.
- A controller connected with multiple accounts in the platform will always sign in to the Master account by default and an account switch is now provided for easy navigation between the accounts.
- Users associated with multiple accounts will now have an option at the start to choose the account they want to sign in and later with the account switch they can navigate to other associated accounts.
- Statistics API responses changed to show the city and country of scanned or invoked digital interactions.
- Import APIs are created to handle import requests and also formats like excel are now supported.
- A new security feature of locking out the master privileged user after five attempts with wrong credentials within a 30-minute time frame has been implemented.
- A new security feature of locking out users after five wrong attempts with wrong credentials within a 30-minute time frame and these locked out users will automatically get unlocked after a 30 minute reset period from the last wrong attempt and can be able to sign in with a correct login credential.
- New Unlock Feature in Master account users page where a master privileged user can unlock other locked users in the platform.
- Other account users can now see the dashboard statistics related to their associated accounts.
- Submit button in Things Create & Edit pages has now been enhanced with three additional options such as Save & Exit, Save & Continue and Save & Create New which performs actions respectively.
- Things Create & Edit pages are now enhanced with font change and spacing between the labels, fields which makes the form aesthetically pleasing and easy to key in the data.
- The platform is now enhanced with sorting of the data in the table format which will display correctly sorted data ignoring the case.
- Added a language dropdown and enhanced the new entity creation properties form.
- Introduced a Help Icon in the top menu navigation bar which will open the Qliktag Help Center.
- Incorporated a new feature to create new roles and assign permissions to the newly created roles.
- Permission matrix page to assign permissions to the roles at a granular level is now added to the platform which helps to create roles with specific permissions.
- On the API side, we have added new fields and new modifications to a few of our existing APIs and the responses to make use of them in a better way.
- Added a new field “$listCode” in the response of API GET /api/entity/{entityCode}/mapping, this field gives URL of the list schema for the list code field.
- Added a new optional param “include_listcode_trans” in API POST /api/entity/{entityCode}/search which will provide _listinformation field containing the list item translations for entity instance data.
- Added two new fields “resoureType”, “permissions” in the response of API /api/acl/resource which will provide more information about the resource.
- Modified the API GET /api/acl/role/{id} to provide all resources with its permissions.
Bug Fixes
- Issues in dynamic list control for the Boolean and Integer attribute type are fixed now and the corresponding values are correctly reflecting on the landing page.
- All the issues related to roles and permissions associated APIs as well as Access Permissions APIs have been fixed.
- “Supported languages” dropdown under Update Interaction Properties form is now correctly displaying the languages selected at the template level.
- Digital Interaction issues for RTL alignment in the Text Control have been fixed now.
- Users are now able to create the template without adding templateLanguages and templatePrimaryLanguage.
- The issue with the reloading of the Thing(s) table when the user activates or deactivates a Thing has been fixed now.
- Scan count is now correctly increasing when the visual interaction is accessed via Mobile Network.
- Video, image, and document which was not rendering if the $comment part is removed from the JSON has been fixed now, and the images, videos are rendering correctly.
- Previously created lists are correctly displayed when the user tries to search for an invalid listCode, listName, or parentListCode.
- Text added in the Rich Text control using Horizontal Rule is properly displaying on the landing page which had an issue earlier.
- The issue with Image and Video widgets that were not displaying when assetType is added inside an array object has been fixed now.
- Users can now update languages under Digital Interaction while updating the Digital Interaction with other templateID.
- Icons are getting displayed above the error messages generated during entity configuration.
- The Visual Interaction Statistics table on the dashboard is displaying the same number of stats on each page along with Prev, Next, Go to the first page, and go to last page buttons which had issues earlier.
- Users are now able to do bulk updates of “listItemCodes” if listItemName and additionalInformation are added in any of the supported languages.
- API response for auxiliary accounts is now correctly displaying assigned roles instead of all the roles present in the system.
- Display of the Inactive Layout has been fixed when the Digital Interaction is browsed using a long URL (templateId/instanceId) which had an issue earlier.
- GET API response for Usage Stats is now correctly showing the total entity instances used.
- DI “Primary Language” drop-down was showing languages of previously selected template which has been fixed now.
- Data saving issue in the template editor using Save and Exit option while logging out has been fixed now.
- “Select User” drop-down is properly displaying the user name when the user is created using the API without the last name field which was showing as undefined earlier.
- “System Settings” and “Account Switch” dropdowns are now consistently displayed.
Installation Qualification – Qliktag Platform v3.1
Deployment Checklist & Testing Report – Qliktag Platform v3.1
22nd May 2020
Our latest minor release v3.0.3 is now available and has focussed on getting some functionality required for specific use cases out and ready for use. The Thing form views can now be used to upload or add images, videos, or documents via the forms, customization of shortcodes has been enhanced and you can now get insights on scans and activations for individual things within the system. On the back-end, we now have updated APIs for managing data exports from the system.
What’s New
- Added an Application version number in the left pane menu bar just at the bottom.
- Release notes and deployment checklist is now available as a new webpage and can be accessed from clicking the version number.
- A new custom ending short URL option is included in the interaction creation form where a custom shortcode can be created.
- A document widget is incorporated in things now where documents/files up to 100 MB can be attached to a Thing.
- Videos can now be directly uploaded into a Thing using drag and drop.
- Scan statistics of each “thing” can be seen now at the Statistics page with location details as well which will have an ability to group them based on the templates.
- US – Supplement Smartlabel template has been included in smartlabel control.
- Form control has now a new option added “Rating” where rating feedback questions can be used.
- Recent scan details of a thing will now show the last 50 scans.
- New APIs built to handle import and export data job requests both immediate and scheduled ones.
- The Submit button is now enhanced with the ability to change its properties and also the form submission success message can also be modified.
Bug Fixes
- The usage stats are fixed now to show what is actually used by the system users.
- Issues in entity usage stats API are fixed now and now it calculates every single stat.
- Image widget which has some issues displaying when a certain data type is added is fixed now.
- The Image & Video widget which was not displaying on the Things page is fixed.
- Image preview displays properly now when multiple languages are added for the uploaded image option.
- “Label” fields that were not displaying from the 2nd level of Form Controls are fixed & showing now.
- Issues in the create entity page which showed empty forms are fixed now.
Installation Qualification – Qliktag Platform v3.0.3
Deployment Checklist & Testing Report – Qliktag Platform v3.0.3
23rd March 2020
Our v3.0.2 minor release is now in effect offering some more control over the way you manage language requirements within the system and a number of fixes for better stability. The SmartLabel control is now available for both the US market as well as Canada and deploying the latest version of SmartLabel across products has not been simpler or more cost-effective.
What’s New
- New languages added to the list with more world languages to load the digital interaction pages.
- The Data Model is updated with the following custom types like video, image, document where a user can add data, image, and add video links.
- JSON Diff Feature in the “Things page” checks what changes are made and by whom in the existing “Thing” with an option to revert back to the previous state.
- US and Canada Food Smartlabel templates have been included in smartlabel control.
- Minor updates and enhancements to the map and filters on the dashboard page.
- Incorporated minor features in Header for the Smartlabel (Food) digital Interaction.
- Feature to navigate into social media pages has been added to Smartlabel control.
- Tracking APIs are updated for tracking Information of API calls, Application configuration, and ListItem code APIs changes for multilingual data.
- Feature to add Primary Language in Account Setting Page as per Default system languages has been updated.
- Menu Bar featured a drop-down to update with Profile settings.
- For Arabic and Hebrew language changes added to display the text in the Right to Left pattern.
Bug Fixes
- Empty value issues related to Non-Food smartlabel are fixed now.
- Minor issues related to Entity Association Properties Form and Data Model Properties form, Template Setting/Control/ Properties Form are fixed.
- Alignment issues with Food Smartlabel list items are fixed.
- Order of Additional allergens added in allergens set are rearranged.
- The issue related to the inconsistency of the Publish button in different browsers is fixed now.
- The navigation issue from different pages is fixed.
- Users were not getting deleted after deleting system users is fixed now.
- Header color issue has been fixed in the template settings/controls section in Interaction editor
- The missing field to add the Supported Languages and Primary Language in New Template properties form has now been updated.
Installation Qualification – Qliktag Platform v3.0.2
Deployment Checklist & Testing Report – Qliktag Platform v3.0.2
18th February 2020
We’ve rolled out 3.0.1 as a minor release with a not so minor list of additions, updates and fixes. With this release, you will now have access to a more advanced Things search feature to combine various search queries and perform more specific searches based on the attributes within the Entity. We’ve added Audit Trail options in order to track changes made to Things and improve the user experience of some of the features already available in the system.
What’s New
- Audit Trail Preferences prompting users to enter reason before saving changes to Things and also before publishing a template.
- Things search with the Advanced search option is now included to enable flexible search options.
- Thumbnail Image of the product will now show in the Things search results page and sorting options included.
- New Date time widget is added to the Things create/edit pages.
- Multilanguage Array Asset Image widget is now incorporated where images in multiple languages can be added to a Thing.
- Form Control with question options like Date Picker, email are included in the Interaction editor.
- Video Control, List Item control has added to the Interaction editor page to include videos and embed external video in the template.
- A popup Richtext Editor is incorporated in the Interaction Editor page to include all rich text options including the latest fonts
- COC Agency List is shown and external links will open in new tabs in Non-Food Smartlabel.
- New feature to print ingredients tab from mobile devices in the Smartlabel page.
- Usage stats, Tracking, and Statistics API have new changes and improvements.
- Imports and Exports API functionality has been included.
- Incorporated a new set of APIs for Data Channels which are a subset of the overall data associated with a Thing
- The default support user in the controller is added. Any new domain will have a support user now created automatically.
- Users page is added now to the platform to create, edit, delete users.
- Accounts page is also added where new accounts can be created and users can also be assigned for the same.
- The new option added is Account Settings where one primary language can be selected from system-defined languages.
- A custom user role under the master account can now change the password & image.
- Now with increased security, only users with valid permissions can see the pages and options across all pages and perform actions accordingly.
- Language dropdown tooltip added to give information about all language codes in the dropdown.
- Template language limits have been increased from 40 to 150 languages in addition to enabling supported and primary language options and new features of adding header and footer and improvements done in the Visual Interaction Template Editor page.
- Save option to save unsaved changes at Interaction Editor Page which includes orange blinker dot to notify the user visually.
Bug Fixes
- iOS SmartLabel landing pages look cleaner and aligned now.
- Quick preview, page name bugs are fixed on the Interaction Editor page.
- “Update Page Properties” form and issues related to that are fixed now.
- Long URL which was navigating back to the dashboard when there is no instance for a created template will no longer do so. It’s fixed!.
- Page icons that were not displayed when the user loads DI page on offline mode(Android and iOS devices) are fixed now.
- Users can now zoom in or out the landing page on Android devices that had issues earlier.
- Now you can see a Favicon displaying on DI landing page
- Users can now be able to scroll down and see the last language option in the app from the header dropdown menu which previously had some issues.
- Users can now Activate instance when it is referred to other Entity(associations) that had an issue earlier.
- Things listing tables have been improved removing all the bugs related to columns.
- Account Users were showing in different accounts and it is fixed now.
- System Defined Languages are shown in Web Language dropdown.
- The date field is getting sorted in the Things page without any issue.
- Hamburger menu button which was not displaying on the DI landing page is fixed now.
- Bugs related to datatypes in the things view/edit page when two similar data types are used in a data model is fixed now.
- +Create Thing which didn’t show for the very first time is fixed now and opens the form properly.
- Images that appeared stretched by default in Safari and iOS look crispier now.
- TemplateLanguages key missing bug while saving a template is fixed now.
Installation Qualification – Qliktag Platform v3.0.1
Deployment Checklist & Testing Report – Qliktag Platform v3.0.1
30th November 2019
The version 3.0 marks the first major release of the Qliktag Platform which is an all-new build architected from scratch with the latest technologies sharing no components of its outgoing predecessor. As a complete rebuild incorporating the feedback from customers, the industry, users of the previous platform, and a pulse on where digitization is moving in the years ahead, we’re very excited about the release of 3.0 and the future it will be a part of.
This release represents countless new lines of code, hard work, and dedication of the entire team at Qliktag who have worked on this release and a huge thanks also go out to everyone involved in the beta-testing program.
We have a long and exciting roadmap charted out for more features and capabilities in the releases ahead and this is the beginning of the platform in its new and improved avatar.
Upgrading from v2
- Everything that you see in the UI can also be accessed via API we can go headless at times.
- Elastic search
- Low code development
- All new things search pages powered by elasticsearch now our results can be very accurate and match your deepest query in detail.
- Drag and drop interaction editor with various new controls and quick preview option
- Data model designer with easy drag and drop feature having both basic and custom data types
- List codes and items with extensive code lists along with the option to add new ones in multiple languages.
- NodeRed Integration
- Advanced security features
- One single flexible and powerful platform with more advanced and latest features.
What’s New
- Introduced Brand New Sign In Page to login to our v3.0
- Added a Forgot your Password? option in the login page for password change/reset for Qliktag Platform Registered Users and also password expiry functionality as well.
- Introduced a new Dashboard/Analytics page for admin and users of the platform which includes quick actions too.
- Incorporated Things page which also has two search abilities like Basic Search and Advanced Search which lists the Things in the platform based on the selected entity type.
- Added an ability to +Create a thing based on the entity type in the things page where a new thing can be added.
- Advanced options are added to things on the things page where one can view, edit, deactivate, or delete a thing using the action icons shown next to each thing.
- Added Treeview selector in Things search page to display results based on this attribute selection.
- Added the ability to save the last search query on the Things page.
- Added functionality to display names of createdBy and updated by fields which gives additional information on who edited or updated a thing and thing history option included in the edit thing page.
- Introduced a template listing page that shows all the templates in the platform with the options to create, edit, deactivate, and delete. This also shows if a particular template is published with time details.
- An orange blinker dot will be displayed before the template name if a particulate template is in draft state.
- Introduced a new Interaction Editor page that has various controls to build a page and also page options.
- New page options added where users can navigate between pages either by Hamburger or Action Sheet (FAB) button.
- Added controls to Interaction editor such as Smartlabel, Richtext, maps, video, audio, horizontal line, conditional, section, list item, and links.
- Added a new Form Control in Interaction Editor Page with various form question controls that include Text, dropdown, checkbox, and radio options.
- Introduced Layout editor page where the controls can be dragged to build a page and quick preview and preview in the new tab of the same can be seen and also options like save, publish and download included here.
- Added an ability to upload and download visual interaction templates in JSON file from the Layout Editor page.
- Added Rollback feature in the Layout Editor to roll back and make the previously published version(Live).
- Added SmartLabel Control and settings to the Interaction editor to load smartlabel based on the product type.
- US – Non Food Smartlabel template has been included with the latest specs to show SDS links and COC agency list.
- US – OTC Smartlabel template has been included in smartlabel control.
- Now all the controls in the Interaction editor have a multilingual language dropdown added with the “All” option as well.
- Added an option to Create Interaction by applying a published template to a thing in the Interactions page.
- Added System settings where company logo, language setting, and status preferences can be configured.
- Added an option where a controller can specify if entity instances should be made Active or Inactive by default when first created.
- Added a Profile Settings page where users can change name, image, and password.
- New menu added as System Configuration where a controller can manage Data Models, Entities, and Lists.
- Data Model has a listing page where a user can create, edit, deactivate, and delete them.
- Introduced a data model designer page similar to Interaction editor where data models can be built using the drag and drop of the available data types both custom and basic data types.
- The ability to upload JSON snippets to generate drag and drop views is included.
- Introduced an entity page where a user can create, edit, deactivate and delete them. In addition to that one can set primary and secondary keys and define associations as well.
- A list code page is added under system configuration where one can manage the list codes and items on the platform.
- Field / Column Search option included in List and List Item Page.
- Added Active and Inactive Badges in all the tables of Interactions, Entities, Lists, and other pages that have Status columns.
- Every page has a breadcrumb now to show the path where you came from and how you navigated to the current page on the platform.
- Loaded default Entities: Account, User, Account User, Application, Application User to the platform.
- Built Custom API for Serial Item authentication
- Implemented User and Application User Related Specific API’s
- API documentation lists all the APIs used by our platform and options to try it out as well.