Accessibility can be defined for each Thing and Digital Interaction Template combination. A Thing and Digital Interaction Template combination can have an accessibility scope of Public, Open, Restricted, Private, or Closed. A scope of Public means that the Digital Interaction can be invoked on that Thing by anyone. A scope of Open means that the Digital Interaction can be invoked on that Thing using a User, Application or Account key (or user id/password in the case of a Visual Interaction) from any Account on the tenant. A scope of Restricted means that the Digital Interaction is available with a User, Application or Account key (or user id/password in the case of a Visual Interaction) of an Account that is explicitly given permission by the Account that owns the Thing. A scope of Private means the Digital Interaction can be invoked on the Thing only by a User, Application or Account key (or user id/password in the case of a Visual Interaction) from the Account that owns the Thing. A scope of closed means that the Digital Interaction may not be invoked on that Thing.
By default the scope for all combinations of a Visual Interaction and Thing shall be Public. The default scope for all combinations of any other Digital Interaction type and Thing shall be Private. The Account owner shall be able to modify the scope for any Digital Interaction and Thing combination where the Thing is owned by that Account.
Digital Interaction Accessibility